"Reading opens our minds to the world."
~E. F. Johnson~Dad
Welcome to Paris Kids Publishing
Offering stories that will enlighten the minds of young readers. Tales are speckled with rich language forms, stunning illustrations, and include educational activities that enhance embedded story lessons.
Three amazing children's books with more on the way!
Who Will Save the Desert? is a 4-time award winner promoting trash pick-up and recycling. (Spanish version available)
Marshall's BIG Discovery explores acceptance and diversity.
Not Funny, Harvey! inspires kindness in making friends.

Illustrated By
Tom Paul Fox

Illustrated By Diane Iverson
Meet Santiago!
Santiago is the grandest critter in the desert. He loves the pristine land and his friendly neighbors. When a mystery develops, he wonders what is happening.
How can the desert be saved and who will help him?

Meet Marshall!
Marshall lives in the mountains of the West. Although he is different, he holds the secret when a problem arises. He learns a powerful lesson about himself, as well.

Marshall and brother Randall share a special moment.
Look who joined the reading parade!
Meet Harvey
A boisterous desert critter, Harvey has rules of his own when it comes to making friends. However, sometimes in his zeal, he steps over the line. One day, the obvious literally smacks him in the face.

Illustrated By Nathalie Aall

Activities* for All
Review pages of ideas for use at home, in classrooms, camps, libraries and, well, everywhere!
Kids love a challenge!
* Activity pages & content are copyright protected and may be used by individuals purchasing a book or groups with permission.
Help Santiago and His Friends!
Let's raise awareness in young readers of eco-friendly practices. Conservation and sustainability are big words and even bigger global issues. To protect the future of our planet, join Santiago and share his message!
"In a flash, grab your trash!"
And Do Not Forget Marshall and His Friends!
Let's promote acceptance in young readers sharing the special features of individuals' similarities and differences! To protect others, join Marshall in sharing his message!
"BE who YOU want to BE!"
Join Harvey and His Friends!
Let's all try harder to be kind and generous in our words and actions. As hard as he tries to make friends, he just cannot seem to get it right. Be the best you can and treat others well.
"Don't be a fool, kind is cool!"